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  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • Different types of fire
    • Fire fighting equipments and their use
    • How to fight fire safely and securely
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • General awareness on fire
    • How fire spreads
    • Firefighting equipments
    • Application of fire fighting equipments
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • Identification of Chemical product and company
    • Information on ingredients (composition)
    • Hazard identification
    • First aid measures
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • The nature and scope of occupational health and safety
    • The moral, financial and legal reasons for promoting occupational health and safety/health and safety in the workplace
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • Hazardous gases and their properties
    • First aid measures
    • Engineering controls
    • Precautions during Storage & handling of compressed gas cylinders
    Languages: English, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese, S. Korean
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • Relevant occupational health and safety legislation.
    • Regulatory compliance mechanisms, including systems of inspection.
    • Occupational health and safety issues.
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • Heat stress and mechanism of heat gain and heat loss.
    • Reaction of human body
    • The types of heat related illnesses, symptoms, and first aid measures.
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • Hazards
    • Hot work area requirements
    • Designated Hot Work Areas
    • Hot Work Permit
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • The general conduct of the employees in a workplace.
    • The precautionary measures to be taken while working.
    • How the Personal Protective Equipment’s help in workers safety.
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • H2S formation & where it is found
    • H2S hazards and properties
    • Health effects, first aid & emergency response
    • Occupational exposure limits
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • Accidents with ladders.
    • Factors affecting ladder accidents.
    • Recommendations for using ladders.
    • Types and classes of ladders.
    Languages: English
  • Duration: 45:00 to 60:00 minutes
    • What are the hazards associated with the lifting and shifting operations
    • What are the common defense techniques to avoid a hazard during operations
    • What accessories and vehicles are used in the lifting and shifting
    Languages: English
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