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Safety Observation


  • Lack of Meaningful Participation
  • Priority-Wise Allocation of Tasks
  • Non-Productive Observations
  • Lack of Higher Level Assessment
  • No Consolidated Data

As Afcons’ safety department utilized a messaging application to make, report, and take actions for observations, it began to get chaotic.

Afcons realized the need for a digital solution due to scattered data. Taking safety seriously, they embraced Heinrich’s triangle: more observations lead to fewer injuries. They created messaging groups for employees to report observations with media attachments.

However, managing these manually became cumbersome, leading to missed observations and data instability. Hence, they opted for a comprehensive digital solution to centralize and streamline the process.

The client faced the tedious task of manually inputting data into Excel sheets, which proved mentally and physically taxing. For instance, capturing an observation in Project A involved taking a photo, detailing it, and responding to queries while managing multiple groups. This complexity made tracking safety events and responses overwhelming.

Seeking a solution, Afcons turned to TECH EHS for a digital, automated system tailored to their precise needs, enabling seamless observation recording and dynamic reporting.


  • Centralized and Consolidated Platform
  • Proper workflow for Identification and control of risk exposures.
  • Classify Observations
  • Detailed Report Generation and Efficacy Monitoring
  • Fact Checks through Geo-Tagging
  • Customized Dashboards and Search Options.

TECH EHS implemented an EHS observation module for seamless recording & tracking of frequent observations while reinforcing safety behaviors.

TECH EHS integrated its EHS observation module into Afcons’ safety system, providing web-based and mobile applications for easy reporting on handheld devices. The observation module is a platform for consolidated and centralized data. Everyone in the system got immediate alerts and notifications about the observations being made by the employees. It ensured communication transparency.

The system featured a statistical dashboard generating real-time weekly observation reports. It helped safety officers, authorities, and project managers to get details of:-

  • Number of observations reported
  • Number of Open/Closed cases
  • Tasks priority
  • Observation details with Observer

The system sent notifications for work delays, escalating priority tasks through project managers to corporate EHS managers and the MD.

Geo-tagging provided transparent observation area insights while the app captured photos directly. This facilitated quick risk identification and proactive control measures, boosting employee engagement and positive reporting. An add-on allowed allocation of in-charges for work areas, enhancing safety observation reporting.

Observations were categorized by business verticals, with personalized dashboards accessible to observers, project managers, and corporate managers.

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Afcons and Tech EHS collaborated to reduce workplace injuries and increase observations to create a safer workplace.

Implementing the Safety Observation Module helped Afcons teams as

  • Managers can promptly acknowledge and review submitted observations,
  • Categorizing observations by priority levels
  • Attach photographs with accurate locations to the observations
  • Promote key safe behaviors and positive ideas reporting.


Enhanced Behavior-Based Safety
Employee Involvement
Positive Reinforcement
Escalated Safety