Permit to work software - TATA communications

Client Name

Tata Communications

Organization Size



Digital PTW System (ePTW)


  • Time-Consuming
  • Data Inaccuracy
  • Lack of Real-Time Updates
  • Audit Complexity

The PTW system was not an exact fit for the different business operations of Tata Communications.

1. Data Centers
2. Field Operations

A traditional permit-to-work system presented numerous challenges hindering operational efficiency, compliance, and communication. Coordinating multiple stakeholders through physical documents slowed down work initiation and completion of PTW processes. Also, manual forms were prone to errors and proved to be time-consuming. It was difficult to manage special authorization for T@DH operations.

The physical storage of PTW forms and documents made it difficult for teams, remote workers, and field-based workers to access them promptly. This did not support real-time updates and made it challenging to track the current status of permits or changes in work conditions.


  • Faster Processing Times
  • Geo-Tagged Photographic Evidence
  • Instant Notifications
  • Centralized Data Management
  • Enhanced Safety Checks

Implementing a digital permit system has enabled our client to manage all business operations (OFC (Optical Fiber Cable) OSP, Service Delivery, and Wireless Implementation) specific permits within a single, streamlined platform.

Collaborating with the TCL team, TECH EHS assisted to redefine permit formats and workflows, simplifying the process for end-users to select the appropriate permit for their tasks. Our ePTW system generates digital forms with pre-defined fields, checklists and validation rules to reduce the likelihood of incorrect data entry and incomplete forms. We achieved this by introducing user-friendly features like drop-down menus and checklist selections, making form completion more efficient.

Additionally, we integrated enhanced safety checks into their system, such as requiring additional approvals for travel during dark hours (T@DH) and ensuring that photographic evidence is geo-tagged and taken from a camera, which has significantly improved system reliability for approval authorities.

Furthermore, the system was integrated with their work order management system, promoting better alignment and operational efficiency. To ensure contractor safety, we included a safety passport check within our system, verifying the competency of each worker for critical safety aspects, such as working at height and much more.

Our ePTW system is tailored to meet our client’s PTW workflow to streamline operations.

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Our digital ePTW system ensures data-driven insights and sustainable practices and prepares our client for future growth and technological advancements to empower their business operations.


Enhanced Efficiency
Improved Data Accuracy
Real-Time Updates
Simplified Document Management