Client Name

Chemical & Fiber Manufacturing Enterprise

Organization Size



12 Universal E-learning Programs


  • Covid-19 Restrictions
  • Ineffective Training

  • Traditional Methods

  • Limited Assessments

With restrictions on people gatherings and safe distancing, work persons couldn’t be called over for training sessions—especially safety training.

One of India’s most respected chemicals and fiber business houses faced a pandemic-induced challenge. With a large workforce to manage, they faced a typical conundrum because of the pandemic-induced compulsions. This considerably jeopardized work safety and even threatened the stoppage of work.

The team was challenged to ensure training happened regularly to maintain the high safety performance necessary for adherence to global standards. Their immediate solution was to upload their PPTs and provide links to existing safety videos on their LMS / server. However, considering the gravity of the training and the consequences it could lead to, these trainings were largely ineffective.

Such a step limited the effectiveness of the training. In addition to the woes, assessments were also limited. This couldn’t assure the safety team to certify their work persons to carry out work activities safely.

The chemicals and fibers business was spread across many states all across India. A few of the manufacturing units were also overseas. However, their immediate issue was addressing the training challenges they were facing in their prevalent unit, which also happened to be the biggest of their facilities. It was governed by a strong safety team, with the Corporate HSE Head directly overseeing operations.

They also happened to be in an industry with hazards and threats throughout all operations.


  • 12 compelling, industry-specific and highly impactful E-learning programs

  • Courses prepared in line with their training requirements

  • Complete administrative control

  • Accurate assessments

  • Generate click-ready reports

TECH EHS’ subject matter experts conducted a thorough assessment to identify immediate areas for improvement in the induction programs, aiming to effectively address key concerns.

TECH EHS has already worked with this business unit. TECH EHS had created many animated movies on different subjects that would act as ‘aids’ in their (in-person) safety training. Thus, they approached TECH EHS intending to know whether these movies could be used effectively through online media. The idea was to reach out to every person who was working remotely.

Our client had Cloud servers where the movies could be hosted and delivered. However, no support framework would allow them to work efficiently through their dedicated cloud. For example, how would they know if the movies had been seen by the designated person or not? What about reports and accurate assessments?

We immediately realized the issue and started preparing for it in earnest.

The first step was to get consensus for the existing eLearning programs that were being promoted. TECH EHS sensitized the safety team to review all the (12) existing eLearning programs it had made. Upon review, the safety team realized that these programs covered a considerable percentage of their training targets (almost 95%). Since their immediate requirement, they asked us for minor modifications to help deliver the programs quickly.

Instead of just making the small changes suggested by our client, we incorporated the already-developed safety movies we had made for them. This gave an added fillip to their overall training program.

Without stopping here, we invited them to share their existing Learning Management System (LMS) credentials. This allowed us to understand SCORM compatibility. We devised the programs so that they could be uploaded to their LMS. After a successful UAT, the programs were successfully loaded on their LMS, thus providing them with complete control of the eLearning programs.

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With the newly found tool, they can now deliver graphically compelling and relevant training content to their audiences. The plant where the eLearning was deployed met all its training targets despite the social distancing norms.

The initiative became such a success that the customer has also rolled it out in all of their other plants. These programs now have administrators at each plant level with controls to generate essential reports. The central team can also view training progress through graphic dashboards and statistical representation. The team can also view training trends that allow them to modify their training programs accordingly.


Seamless Integration
Available On All Screen Sizes
Accurate Reports
Training Progress Visibility