Client Name

Pioneer of the Steel Industry

Organization Size

1000 – 1500


Safety Management System


  • Cloning of the previous EHS system.
  • EHS system device limitations
  • Lack of automated report generation.
  • Lack of regulated performance management.
  • Time limitations

The Client required a clone of their former EHS management system with revamps and updates.

Thanks to search engines and the scope of advertising, our client, a pioneer and one of the renowned names in the steel industry, quickly found us to implement their solutions. Their requirements were unique, but our expert team identified the ways to provide them with exactly what they were looking for!

The Client required an EHS management system similar to those they used before. Therefore, the same system and UI were to be designed. The former EHS system also needed to be more responsive, as it could not be accessed on handheld devices. There was also a lack of automated reports and KPI generation.

Basically, the former EHS system had its limitations. So, the developers at TECH EHS were asked to develop the old system but with a revamped outlook. Moreover, the client required the system to be developed in not more than two months.


  • Created similar EHS software
  • Timely delivery
  • Safety modules revamped
  • Responsive software
  • Automated reports and KPI
  • Generation
  • Training

TECH EHS curated an EHS management just as required by The Client. Along with their former safety program, improvements and additions were made for seamless EHS processes.

Phase 1 Execution

The initial phase rolled out the following modules, i.e., within two months.

A. SOA Observation Module (HSE Observation)

The module allowed safety observations to be recorded, tracked, and closed easily. Employees could categorize their safety observations and assign CAPA accordingly.

B. Incident Module with Action Items (Recommendations) Module

This module provided a systematic approach to managing incidents. It laid a flexible and standardized approach to incident management practices by notifying them to ensure deadlines are met, and the task is completed on time.

C. Job Cycle Check Module

It was developed to monitor the different stages of a safety job cycle. The module ensured each task was completed on time and no errors or issues caused delays or failures. It also provided feedback to the system or the user regarding the status of the job cycle, such as the percentage of completion or any problems encountered.

D. Dashboard Reports & Charts

The Client needed a foolproof method of generating reports and KPIs for informed decision-making. As a part of our EHS software development, we encourage clients to incorporate a report generation module. It allows the authorities to easily maintain records and process them in the form of matrix, pdf, word, or Excel sheets.

E. Training

We provided all the necessary on-site training for the Singapore plant employees to ensure that all employees understood their roles and responsibilities. Similarly, we trained Malaysian plant employees in an online training program.

During the training sessions of the above modules, they assigned us to incorporate more modules.

Phase 2 Execution

The delivery of phase 2 was a feather in our hat, as we delivered the prescribed modules in just three months.

The modules delivered in Phase 2 were;

A. Log Contractor Safety Management

A single module managed the entire contractor and vendor safety management. The software ensured that the contractor adhered to all terms of training and regulations while executing their work.

B. Log CSM Assessment

Assessing common safety methods through manual methods has had various challenges. Therefore, a CSM module assisted The Client’s safety department in easily describing and achieving safety targets.

C. Fatality Risk Control Program with Action Items (Recommendations)

This module ensured that the audits, risk management plans, and safety control programs were in place. It also recommended actions as in and when required for potential threats.

D. Log Consequence Management

The consequence management module helped smoothly strategize exit and emergency plans. This module updated The Client’s objectives and strategies for reinforcement and corrections.

E. Reward & Recognition

This corporate module determined and examined employees’ performance and ensured they received rewards and recognition for their hard work. This module maintained the performance of all employees, and the authorities could assess them accordingly.

F. Responsive Application

The team at TECH EHS developed the entire application to work on the browsers of handheld devices. After the execution, almost 70% of the EHS activities are performed on handheld devices.

Need help with a similar project?

Our experts will intensively understand your requirements to curate, design, and develop the most reliable and latest technological solutions.


TECH EHS and The Client successfully built an association that reaped significant benefits from the EHS management software.

By standardizing EHS policies and procedures across all facilities, investing in employee training, and regularly monitoring compliance, they were able to reduce waste generation, emissions, and employee safety incidents. Additionally, these efforts not only improved The Client’s EHS compliance but also enhanced its reputation and helped to build trust with customers, employees, and the community.


Efficient Management of Multiple Services
Positive Reinforcement Due to KPI Performance Reports
Quick and Enhanced Reporting
Transparent Workflow Processes