Client Name


Organization Size

101- 501


Digital PTW System (ePTW)


  • Manual Effort to Scope Work and Analyze Risk

  • Uniform PTW Process Missing for Hazardous Work.

  • Streamline Isolation Point Paperwork.

  • Lack of Centralized PTW Information Across Locations.

  • Limited Real-Time Visibility for Accurate Activity Coordination

Equion relied on manual communication and only essential paperwork for its permit-to-work procedures.

Equion dominated the operation and management of oil and gas assets for the Colombian government under contract. Being a renowned name in the sector, Equion’s operational efficiency was unmatched. The Colombian government outsourced Equion to oversee all oil and gas plants across various locations, requiring them to handle both structured and unstructured operations and maintenance for superior efficiency.

Equion initially relied on manual communication and minimal paperwork for permit-to-work procedures. However, recognizing the need for digitalization due to the vast data and business demands, Equion sought a suitable solution.

Despite approaching several companies, they found off-the-shelf systems too complex and time-consuming to implement. Consequently, they sought a customized solution to reduce training and implementation time, simplify processes, integrate systems across all plants, and establish a seamless permit-to-work system.


  • Hot work & Cold work permit issuance & closure

  • Isolation Certificate

  • Confined space certificate

  • Multiple device accessibility

  • Robust dashboard

TECH EHS designed a PTW software after careful study of each job activity and its procedures, which resulted in successful implementation throughout all the plants.

Equion initially had an idea for a PTW software solution, but it was based on concepts from other companies they had rejected. To address this, they formed a dedicated committee to collaborate with TECH EHS in defining a uniform system. Working closely with the TECH EHS team, multiple discussions were held to refine the concept, resulting in the presentation of a prototype designed to meet Equion’s specific needs.

Equoin’s PTW software offered two levels of hazard identification and risk assessment. Our experts devised an optimal solution for addressing the challenge of isolation points by consolidating all information into a master Excel sheet and importing it into the PTW software.

The software was piloted successfully in a small department, leading to its rapid implementation across their smallest plant and eventually all plants within four months. Our infrastructure teams worked closely with their IT team to deploy all the software on Microsoft Azure.

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The PTW software developed by TECH EHS brought a paradigm shift in the procedures of Equion’s PTW system.

TECH EHS PTW software revolutionized Equion’s procedures, significantly enhancing decision-making quality for approvers, permit requestors, area authorities, and isolation officers.


Optimum Compliance
Seamless Permit Creation Process
Multiple Devices Configuration
Tme and Cost Savings