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Global Telecom Giant

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Customized eLearning Programs


  • Converting their traditional PPTs into a viable, engaging, compelling training module.
  • Issues faced in their training goals.
  • Unable to convert their traditionally built training curriculum into digital formats.

Converting outdated PowerPoint presentations into a dynamic training module that captivates and engages participants proved challenging for the organization.

They encountered obstacles in achieving their training objectives, particularly transitioning traditional training materials into digital formats.

Most of their audience consisted of contractor workforces, primarily technicians working at heights ranging from 2 to 8 meters, posing a significant risk of incidents. Existing training programs fell short of addressing the audience’s geographical diversity and varying literacy levels. There was a pressing need to standardize safety protocols in a manner accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds, ensuring universal comprehension and prompting behavioral changes.


  • Strategic Use of Existing Resources
  • Scenario-Based Learning
  • Visual Representation of Standards

TECH EHS proposed the development of a tailored eLearning training module that is seamlessly compatible with their existing Learning Management System (LMS).

Incorporating a mix of 2D and 3D animated clips enhances accessibility for all learners. Multilingual capabilities helped overcome language and cultural barriers. Additionally, existing safety animated movies in 3D were strategically integrated into the training program to amplify their impact and effectiveness further

The program included hypothetical incident scenarios to underscore the message’s importance for all participants. Standards were translated into graphical representations to maximize impact and understanding. The course duration ranged from 30 to 40 minutes, ensuring comprehensive coverage of essential content without overwhelming participants.

All custom-developed programs were packaged in SCORM-compliant formats, ensuring seamless deployment on the customer’s LMS. This enabled customers to efficiently distribute training programs to their contractors via digital platforms, facilitating widespread access to essential safety training. Accurate assessments could be collected, empowering the customer to proactively train individuals and mitigate potential incidents, thereby contributing to overall safety improvements.

Contractors expressed satisfaction knowing they received training before undertaking any job or assignment, fostering a sense of responsibility and commitment to safety protocols. This proactive approach not only enhanced their training but also enabled them to effectively communicate and enforce safety measures within their teams, ultimately ensuring the safe completion of assignments.

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Implementing the digital training module yielded significant positive outcomes for the client.

The solution aimed to balance simplicity and effectiveness, utilizing the organization’s existing PowerPoint presentations and integrating newly developed animated clips. These highly graphical and customized eLearning programs incorporated standard protocols in a visually engaging manner, ensuring user comprehension and impact.


Multilingual Support
Optimized Course Duration
Empowering Contractors
Cost Savings and Resource Optimization