Power BI and Its Application | Tech Ehs

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Power BI is a proactive platform that minimizes human efforts and provides error-free results. Unlike Excel sheets that require manual entry, it employs data from several sources simultaneously. Let us explore more.

Power BI is an application in Office 365, sitting alongside SharePoint. Business Intelligence in EHS is turning out to be a game changer in the industry. Its power to analyze every tiny detail of safety-related events and predict near-accurate analytics is why every industry is trying to adopt it.

Whether SMBs or large-scale industries, everyone is surprised to see how effective Power BI for safety is in establishing its threshold in the EHS domain. Every industry’s IT sector is keen to switch to Power BI, and there are multiple reasons.

We will discuss the Power of Power BI in this blog and try to prove that it is establishing itself in the EHS sector for nothing but the best outcomes.

Why is Power BI different?

Power BI is a proactive platform that minimizes human efforts and provides error-free results. Unlike Excel sheets that require manual entry, it employs data from several sources simultaneously. If you compare it to traditional EHS software, Power BI is a part of your organization’s Office 365; therefore, it is not just an EHS structure.

Power BI Application and Benefits

Power BI captures data and puts it to proper use. It simplifies data to provide analytics for managed safety risks and increase sustainability. By utilizing Power BI for EHS, organizations can easily share the numbers and details across the departments without setting up an entire EHS structure. This enhances visibility and builds an inclusive EHS culture.

Now, let us look into the benefits and applications of Power BI for EHS in detail.

All-inclusive and Perfect Platform

Once you have Microsoft 365, you just have to integrate EHS into the system. Then, there is no need for you to provide additional documents, details, or software related to EHS. This means that the sales, finance, or accounts departments can access the EHS data right next to their data platform. It also makes it easy to publish your EHS reports so they are visible to all employees via an HSE dashboard Power BI. It ensures maximum participation in the long-term EHS vision.

Save Ample Time and Resources

The biggest asset of Power BI is its ability to deploy data from multiple sources effortlessly. These days, data is being sourced from various sources, be it software, spreadsheets, or third-party applications. You can only imagine the time EHS professionals save by gathering data from different systems. Therefore, this saved time can be utilized for better decision-making processes based on EHS trends and KPIs displayed on the Power BI safety dashboard.

No Special Skills Required

You will be appalled to know how seamlessly Power BI works. Your EHS department does not need to learn IT ways or be a tech wizard to operate the EHS system. In fact, EHS managers can easily create, edit and analyze dashboards and personalize them as per their requirements. They can even generate reports quickly while providing in-depth insights into EHS analytics. Thus, it will be quicker and simpler to harness data and transform it into actionable insights.

For example, a safety officer in charge of PTW does not need special IT skills to utilize ePTW software. The Power BI combined with an interactive dashboard is created, accessed, and developed by them as per their requirements. Also, through Power BI HSE incident report system, incidents can be easily identified and analyzed and preventive measures can be curated.

Increase EHS Awareness

Implementing Power BI allows EHS statistics, data and EHS insight integrations to be easily shared throughout the organization. Thus, all the employees can proactively participate in the EHS program, and safety is amplified. A simple example is if there is electric maintenance work going on in a particular area, alerts, notifications and dos and don’ts can be sent through the Power BI platform to all employees.

When everyone is involved in EHS happenings, it leads to increased awareness and a safer workplace.

You Are Ready For Action

The Power BI HSE dashboard readily shows and compares data to prepare you for future actions. For example, if the graph shows that near-misses are increasing in a particular area, you can scrutinize the site and ensure to find the root cause immediately. Plus, you can prepare an awareness document as the data is readily available. This saves time and also prevents any dangerous happenings from occurring.

Preparing training programs is also effortless. You have data at your disposal to create critical training material whenever required.

Discover Root Cause Analysis

Power BI gives you the power to reach the root of every incident. For example, the analytics show where the hurdles lie if there are continuous delays in a PTW system. Additionally, it provides analysis over days, months, and years, making it easy to understand whether the improvement plan has worked.

The best part about Power BI analytics is that you have segregated and analyzed data at your fingertips. This helps to eliminate gaps in the system within a stipulated period.

Why Leverage Power BI with EHS?

We have said it again and again, and we would repeat it various times. Power BI is all you need for powerful EHS insights to amplify safety and reduce risks. But our saying will not be enough. It would be best to implement it to see the magic for yourself. Here is a glance at what you will receive if you leverage power BI with EHS.

  • You will save time in building reports. All you have to do is configure them according to your needs.

  • You have access to a crystal clear view of the entire EHS performance.

  • Quickly view KPIs and check how they are working alongside business goals

  • Analyze audits, incident management, PTWs, risk assessment, and more in one place

  • The cloud-based application allows the workforce to access EHS data anytime and anywhere.

The Future is Power BI

COVID-19 has made industries realize how important EHS is. Therefore, workplaces are trying to set new benchmarks for incorporating workplace safety. Leveraging Power BI with EHS is one of those benchmarks. Last but not least, we suggest you contact the experts and avail yourself of a demo of the incredible platform as soon as possible!

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

In EHS, Power BI can be used to track incidents, identify trends, monitor compliance, and measure the effectiveness of safety programs.

The specific EHS tasks such as Incident Management, Safety performance monitoring, Measure key performance indicators (KPIs) like Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR),

Compliance management and Risk assessment have significantly benefitted from Power BI.

Power BI can integrate with various data sources commonly used in EHS, including incident reporting systems, HR systems, and several other third-party sources.

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5.9 min read Views: 1599 Categories: Safety Software

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